
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Upcoming events

I've got several photoshoots coming up and I though I'd share them with you so everyone can keep an eye out for new photos coming soon.

April 10th: Courtney Holloway belly pics
Mid April: Kacy Geany couple shots
End of April: Castellanos outdoor portraits
Mid May: Timothy Chilson infant portraits
June: Sherer Wedding
August: Mason Wedding

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This weekend....

YAY! I get to help with a wedding this weekend. Im really nervous but so excited at the same time. I'm not sure what to expect really but the photographer I am going with is going to let me take half the shots!!! I hope to get some good tips from her and that way when I do my first wedding in June, Im not going in with a blind eye.

I've got to remember to wear some comfortable shoes and bring a long a sack lunch, because I guess it's going to be an all day thing. That's only got me slightly intimidated but I think I can manage it. I wish I had all day to recover on Sunday, but I have TWO baby showers to go to on Sunday! I'm pretty excited about the baby showers though. I need to find gifts for both ladies.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So the pics turned out so cute that Im going to order some off shutterfly to send to family. Who knew what a difference a black muslin backdrop would make!

Here are the rest of the pics

Got the Muslin

So I got the black muslin I ordered and Im going to set something up this evening after I vacumm This should be fun and interesting. Hopefully Dylan will pose all nice and cute for me.

Will be back later with attached said photos.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ok so I found some really beautiful photos of pregnant woman. I really hope that I can achieve these effects. Im going to need a lot of lighting and some really willing subjects. Posing semi-nude is embarrassing to many people, and I hope that Connie and I have enough of a relationship that this is something we can do pain free.

I really want to find someone that has hard wood floors. They are just beautiful additions to any photo and I love this photo here. I love the flow of the drapes and how it matches the flow of the material over the woman's body and I love the simple hard wood floor. Everything about this photo speaks to me as a photographer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Crochet and Photography

It's a gift from God
When I was little my mom would sit me down with a crochet hook in my right hand and some scrap yard in the left and expect me to work miracles. She never gave me direction, just taught me a stitch and told me to do what comes natural. I would always just end up crocheting with the thought in mind that I would make a scarf. I would crochet a gigantic long strand that was at least half the length of the room. I'd finally get about two rows done and mom would come behind me, find some small mistake and rip the whole thing apart. No wonder I was discouraged and always gave up.
Now days, I set to crocheting with a purpose. Recently, I've been doing these adorable props for photos. Today I am crocheting a swaddle and a hat for my cousin's newborn baby.
I am always looking for new hobbies, but nothing beats my passion for photography. I am just getting started and I am so excited that God has blessed me with this ability. I love taking photos. I love capturing little moments of people's life. This weekend I am going to do some photos of an acquaintance of mine who is 8 months pregnant and due is May. I am really looking forward to it and hope that my muslin backdrop I ordered comes in soon.
I happened to be talking a great photographer I know and told her I had been doing some photography. She was excited and happy for me. I asked her if maybe she would let me tag a long on one of her weddings because I have two booked for this summer and am scared as hell. I'm hoping I can get an idea of what she does and then maybe I wont eff up someone's very special and important day by doing crap pics.